Haruki Murakami contesta todo

Publicado originalmente en "Moleskine literario", de Iván Thays. Aquí tienes el enlace.

Murakami ha estrenado una web, Murakami-san no Tokoro, recibiendo noticias de sus fans japoneses (aunque también está respondiendo en inglés). Hasta fines de enero se le pueden mandar consultas sobre lo que deseen. Ya respondió a cincuentas de estas. Entre ellas, sobre el arte de escribir (“saber escribir es como saber conversar con las chicas”), sobre ser finalista eterno del premio Nobel (“es muy molesto. esa no es una lista oficial sino una de apostadores”) y sobre los gatos desaparecidos (“los gatos tienen tendencia a desaparecer, así que hay que cuidarlos bien mientras estén alrededor”). 

Dice la nota:

It’s only been four days since Haruki Murakami opened a temporary website to answer questions from his fans, but the reclusive author has already pumped out nearly 50 replies, including his thoughts on the Nobel prize and how to improve writing skills.
The website, titled “Murakami-san no Tokoro” (Mr. Murakami’s Place), went online Thursday. The author’s answers are being posted as soon as they are ready, with the website expected to be regularly updated until about late March. Questions will be taken until Jan. 31.
Asked by one fan on his thoughts about being called the frontrunner for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Mr. Murakami said it was “quite annoying.”
“It isn’t like there’s an official shortlist, it’s just private bookmakers coming up with these odds. It’s not as if this were a horse race,” he replied
Another fan asked the author how people can improve their writing skills.
“Writing talent is similar to the art of chatting up a girl. You can improve to a certain degree through practice, but basically you are either born with it or you aren’t,” he wrote.
He also revealed in a separate post that he seldom reads his own work because it is too embarrassing.
In opening the website, the author said he is open to a variety of comments and questions including queries about cats, creatures that are a frequent motif in his work. One fan asked Mr. Murakami if he had any idea where her pet cat, missing for years, had gone.
“Cats tend to disappear. Take good care of them while they are around,” Mr. Murakami replied.
Most of the exchanges are in Japanese, but Mr. Murakami has replied in English to some questions originally written in the language.

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